St. Patrick’s Scavenger Hunt

Next Sunday why not wake your kids up with a fun St. Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt. I used craft foam and sticks to make special leprechaun clues along with Rolo candies and Ring Pops for the treasure. Below are the clues I came up with and want to share with you. Please feel free to use them, for family use only, and have fun with it!

@mvemother #Stpats #scavengerhunt #funwithkids
Try to find my treasure,
Look all around.
You’re best to start,
Where your toys are found. #kidscrafts #stpatsgame
Clever child,
You’re on the right path.
Have you checked,
Where you take your bath?

@mvemother #stpatsday #kidscraft #scavengerhunt

Splish, Splash!
Will you find me soon?
Be sure to look
Where we keep the spoons. #scavengerhunt #stpatsday #funwithkids

Just one more place
For you to look.
Where would you go to  
Find a book!

#treasurehunt #stpats #kidscraft


  1. How fun! My kids would love this. Thanks for the idea!

    -Erin @ DIY On the Cheap

  2. I adore this idea! I always do a hunt for my kiddos on Easter morning. Generally on Saturday night I'm handwriting clues, etc. THIS YEAR I will start early and put some thought into it! Thank you so much for the great inspiration! Jules

  3. Love the scavenger hunt idea! I really think my 11 year olds would enjoy something like this.

  4. OMG - Erin this is great! I can't wait to make this for Reed!

  5. What a fun idea! You are one super cool mom! :D


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