How to Organize Business Cards At a Conference

A Creative way to organize business cards you receive while you're at a conference! #LuvSoFab #SoFabUOTR

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There’s so much information presented at multi-day conferences, from both speakers and the bloggers sitting next to you, it can be extremely overwhelming. So much so, you may end up spending your nights holed up in your hotel room watching “Real Housewives” trying to forget every stupid thing you said throughout the day. Okay, maybe that’s just me. Anyway. 

Here's a little tip, hack, whatever for the next time your at a conference staring at a stack of cards trying to remember who was who! 

How to Organize Business Cards - While you're at a conference!

Organize business cards you receive while you're at a conference! #LuvSoFab #SoFabUOTR

Outside of applying what you learn, organizing business cards while you're still at a conference can be a struggle. One of the best ideas I've ever seen was when I went to The Creative Connection and Marilyn Scott-Waters was using a miniature hole punch to store and organize the cards she received. Well, I've taken that idea one step further. Here's what you do.


washi tape
paper envelopes
keychain clips

How to create a way to organize business cards you receive while you're at a conference! #LuvSoFab #SoFabUOTR

1. Hole punch your notepad. Well, actually, you could use a spiral bound notepad and spare yourself the trouble.

2. I folded over the top flap of the paper envelopes and then gave them a punch too. I used envelopes like those that used to be in the front of library books.

3. Put it all together on your clip.

4. Use the washi to attach the card to the inside of notepad where you can add notes in a hurry. If you are at a roundtable, or similar type event, you can put all the cards you get into one of the paper envelopes and write notes on the outside if need be.

5. To make it easier to use attach it to your lanyard. It's not that heavy!

How to organize business cards you receive while you're at a conference! #LuvSoFab #SoFabUOTR


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