Gotta Craft Them All - Pokemon Kids Craft

Share in the Pokemon craze by creating these colorful character rocks.

Pokemon hit the world during the 90's when I was fully engrossed in my young adult angst. To this day, I don't really understand how it works. However, the characters are fun and I think the resurgence of interest with the launch of Pokemon Go! is awesome. So awesome I partnered with a couple other bloggers to create a few Pokemon inspired crafts to share with you!

Make your own DIY Pokemon Rocks! Kids Craft and Activity

 In my little town, and many others across the country, people have been painting rocks, hiding them, posting about it on social media, and then welcoming the community to find them and do the same. So for this project I decided to create a collection of Pokemon rocz to disperse throughout my neighborhood.

Gather supplies to make your own Pokemon Rocks! Kids Craft and Activity

First, I did a little research and sketched out a simplified...a very, very, simplified...version of a handful of Pokemon. Next, I gathered a handful of decorative rocks, acrylic paints, brushes, and a spray acrylic sealer and got busy!

Sketch out your Pokemon before you start painting! Pokemon Painted Rocks

I highly recommend NOT using decorative rocks...while they ended up being small and cute they were also harder to paint! Plus, if you use black rocks you'll need to paint a few base coats.

After your acrylic paints have dried be sure to seal them if you plan on hiding them outside too.

Paint your own Pokemon rocks and play a game of hide and seek with the kids!

The kid and I will be hiding them throughout town tomorrow. I can't wait!

Share in the Pokemon craze by creating these colorful character rocks to hide and seek!

For more Pokemon DIY ideas stop by

  My Scrapbook Evolution and Morena's Corner


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